The Tweed era Champ is renowned for its unmistakable charm, having long been a studio secret weapon for musicians seeking that perfect, compact tone. With a reputation built on simplicity and warmth, the 5F1 circuit remains a classic example of Fender's approach to elegant, low-wattage design. In a world where smaller, lower-powered amps are gaining in popularity, the Champ is the embodiment of stripped-down, functional brilliance. This particular champ retains all of its original components, except for the two-prong power cord, and the plug-side wiring to the speaker. It's in fantastic shape for a 50's amp, with no significant rips or tears to speak of, just brilliant patina on the lacquered tweed!
While fully functional, the buyer should note that this amp has aged electrolytic caps and a delicate original speaker cone. If the amp is intended for prolonged or gigging use, it will need servicing (electrolytic caps, etc.).