This late-'70s Maestro EP-4 tape echo retains all the charm of the early tube units while incorporating solid-state components for improved reliability. In recent years, EP-3 and EP-4 models have become the preferred choice over their earlier tube counterparts. This later model offers expanded controls, including bass and treble adjustments, as well as a record gain knob to fine-tune the amount of tape saturation on the front end. Despite being a solid state unit there is still a noise floor, which is common across all vintage tape echos.
Other than a replaced tape cartridge, this unit appears to be entirely original. For those unfamiliar with these machines, it's important to note that they require routine maintenance, as they are essentially a mobile analog tape machine. Additionally, the output jacks are positioned somewhat awkwardly on the side of the unit, so a right-angle guitar cable may be necessary for connectivity.