A product of the early 1900's Hawaiian music craze, the C.F. Martin Company began to produce ukuleles for sale in 1915. The success Martin saw from ukulele sales through the teens and twenties yielded opportunity to expand guitar production. Without the production of the ukuleles from Martin we may not have the guitars and lore we have now. The sale of these instruments helped to sustain Martin through to the other side of the Great Depression. This particular Style 3 is a beautiful Soprano ukulele. The intricate design and craftsmanship in such a simple instrument is apparent and executed very well. While the guitar has seen a bit of repair, it's in very good shape and the binding/inlay work all over the guitar is beautiful. This Style 3 has three repaired top cracks, one crunch repaired on the top, a bridge reglue and some finish touchup.
This ukulele comes with a new Gator hard case