With a resume that includes study and teaching at the Roberto-Venn School of Luthiery and working at the Phoenix Guitar Company, as well as a major California maker, Kent Hamblin approaches guitar making with both a small and large shop building philosophy. Now building under his own name in Telluride, CO, he's a master of mid-sized guitars, specializing in Grand Concerts, OMs, and SJs like this one. We were all impressed by the balanced yet powerful tone of this Brazilian rosewood guitar, with just the right amount of crispy attack and a complex yet modest sustain. Though wide at 16" in the lower bout, the modest 4-1/2" depth keeps this guitar comfortable under the right arm.
Overall condition is good to very good; while there's no fret wear and only a couple very light finish dings, the finish has developed checking. We would caution any buyer to be extra mindful of humidity and temperature in caring for this guitar.